Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Jollity!

The Christmas party for the Townsville Senior Citizens was a block buster event this year with over 90 members present.

In a departure from the usual practice, the occasion was held at the Hotel Allen rather than at the Hall so that all members could relax and be waited on.  There was no responsibility to prepare and serve food and drink. It just kept coming!  And after a wonderful meal and dessert, there was no washing up afterwards!

Here are Candy Beavington and Betty Scott enjoying the occasion. 

The musical entertainment was delightful, allowing for dancing and singing in equal measure.  Here are our cheerful musicians, "Pit Stop", taking a little break between numbers.

And here are some of our happy dancers!

Marian Hain and Mona Sodergren

Doreen and Max Burge

May Clark and Doss Fletcher

Many thanks to the Association which contributed significantly to the cost of the occasion and to President Neil who did the venue searching and negotiated the arrangements with the Hotel Allen - even the last minute adjustments caused by renovations to the building.   Here's a picture of him at the party carrying a small Christmas tree on his head!

Happy Christmas to all at Townsville Senior Citizens.  See you next year!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ryan Street is being spruced up!

With Christmas looming, our Centre is having some special presents over the Christmas break.

The first step - the introduction of a new air conditioner in our kitchen - has already been accomplished and has been making life a lot more comfortable for our intrepid kitchen workers.

Hardly was this task finished when the decision was made to replace our fairly basic chairs.  A small group from Ryan Street visited our sister Senior Citizens Association in Tully on Monday, 25th November, 2013, to view their chairs.  Everyone was so impressed that our members will soon have 100 similar chairs round our tables with 10 more (with arms) for people who prefer to chat around the walls.

Here are some snaps taken during the visit to the beautiful new home of Tully Senior Citizens.  The Centre has been constructed since the total destruction of the previous building by Cyclone Yasi. It is certainly a great credit to the Senior Citizens' Association and to the Tully community.  

Our hosts very kindly welcomed the Townsville group to a delightful luncheon.

Townsville President Neil Ace and Vice President Maureen
Fewin meet Tully Secretary Lesley Hardy and Treasurer Jill Brighton.

Some Tully members enjoying lunch.  Note comfy chairs!

Tony de Bella - a keen member of Tully Senior Citizens

2014 promises to be a comfortable year for the Townsville Senior Citizens!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vale Peter Gage

It was with great sorrow that many members of Townsville community (including a large number of Townsville Senior Citizens) bade a fond farewell to Peter at his funeral service on Thursday, 24th October, 2013. 

We will remember Peter as a man who lived his life to the full, who was willing to give anything a go, and who brought a quirky sense of humour to everything he undertook.  He was very brave as he faced up to his final big challenge and he remained a loyal member of Senior Citizens right up to his last days.

Townsville Senior Citizens owes a particular debt of gratitude to Peter for his wonderful contribution to the photographic history of the Association.

Townsville Senior Citizens extend their sincere condolences to Peter's family, particularly his mother, Mrs Audrey Gage, a long time and very treasured member of the Townsville Senior Citizens Association.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Recent Happenings at Townsville Senior Citizens

Townsville Senior Citizens are very pleased to now have a portrait of their patron, Jenny Hill, looking resplendent in her mayoral robes, in pride of place on the wall behind the stage.  Many thanks to Jenny for generously making this picture available to us.

At the members' meeting on 26 September, several new members were welcomed into the Association.  Here are four of them - Cathy and Mike Davidson, Kevin Sheehy and Betty Miller.....



The Line Dancers were very pleased to see Pat Ross (see below) learning the ropes as a Leader.  She is very patient and understanding - especially with one particular newer member who still has a long way to go and needs a lot of encouragement...  

 The newly established Euchre group is continuing to enjoy playing together and with other organizations. Here's a photo kindly provided by Stuart McLean following a recent Euchre morning at the Garden Settlement, Pallarenda. 
Lady Luck is always smiling on someone at Townsville Senior Citizens.  Here is the lucky door winner at the meeting of 26th September, Fred Viney....
the winner of the raffle, Nancy Tompkins....

and the triumphant recipient of the big prize in the $100 club, Dulcie Stevens.
Congratulations to all our winners!






Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Great Open Day

Townsville Senior Citizens were thrilled to welcome 150 people to the Open Day at their Ryan Street Centre on Thursday, 12th September, 2013.  The happy occasion was opened by the Mayor, Mrs Jenny Hill, with Councillors Gartrell and Walker also present.

After a delicious morning tea, guests enjoyed viewing the Thursday activities and seeing both “Seniors Creating Change” and the Townsville Senior Citizens line dancers performing their favourite numbers.  Next came a terrific variety show by Patrick and A.J. who provided their audience with a great program of comedy, singing and music.  The Open Day wound up with a tasty sausage sizzle.

Mayor Jenny Hill opens proceedings

Seniors Creating Change who sing "suddenly and unexpectedly"

Line Dancers ready to go!
Patrick regales the audience with one of his funny stories

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the Open Day and to Vice President Maureen Fewin and her merrie band of helpers whose hard work made it all possible.  You turned on a great Open Day for the seniors of Townsville. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Preparations under Way for Open Day!

Townsville Senior Citizens are looking forward to their Open Day to be held at Ryan Street between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Thursday, 12th September, 2013.  This is an opportunity for the Association to welcome the over 50's of Townsville and to extend a warm invitation to those who might like to join their ranks.

With Mayor and Patron Jenny Hill opening the festivities and with Vice-President Maureen Frewin at the helm as the M.C., the day promises to be a special occasion.  There will be lots of the usual interesting activities for members and visitors to enjoy together and there will also be some great entertainment plus a yummy morning tea and a sausage sizzle lunch.  


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Prevention is better than cure!

The Townsville Senior Citizens learned a lot, at the meeting on 29th August, from the talk of pharmacist, Maree Singleton, on how to prevent the development of diabetic ulcers. 

A sizeable proportion of those present at the meeting on the day in fact suffer from either Diabetes Type 1 or Diabetes Type 2 so the talk was especially relevant to them but also interesting for other members interested in maximizing their health in the future.

Maree used the Association's newly acquired projector and screen to great effect.  This, together with the use of the trusty microphone, brought her messages clearly to her listeners.  Most of her suggestions were very simple (see right below) but she assured members that they were very effective!

Maree made some helpful brochures available and she encouraged those present to seek the advice of their doctors, pharmacists and other health professionals to prevent the development of ulcers or at least to tackle them in the early stages.

The Townsville Senior Citizens thank Maree for presenting such an interesting and valuable talk.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Seniors' Week Luncheon and Concert 2013

Denise Drysdale at the Seniors' Week Luncheon and Concert
Townsville Senior Citizens were there in strength at Reid Park on Friday, 23rd August, 2013, when the Townsville City Council put on a generous spread and an enjoyable concert for 3000 senior residents of Townsville.

After the presentation of the Townsville Seniors' Awards by Cr Jenny Hill, Mayor of Townsville, Denise Drysdale, John MacNally and Attori all entertained the 3000 guests with comedy and song, while vast trays of food were delivered to the many tables under the big marquees.

There were a lot of smiles and laughs amongst the seniors.  Here are three candid photos from the Townsville Senior Citizens contingent.


Our thanks to the Townsville City Council for putting on a great luncheon and concert.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Townsville Senior Citizens represented at Seniors' Lifestyle Expo

Townsville Senior Citizens were pleased to be able to conduct their stall at the Seniors Week Lifestyle Expo sponsored by the Townsville City Council and the Townsville Regional Committee on the Ageing.  The Expo took place on Wednesday, 21st August, 2013, at the RSL Murray Stadium and the colourful display of the Senior Citizens' current activities drew the attention of many passers-by including the visitors shown chatting with TSC volunteers - Maureen, Anne and Tony - below.

The cheerful assistance of several members of Townsville Senior Citizens on the stall definitely added a personal touch to the proceedings.   They answered a variety of questions on the Association and its activities and issued many invitations to the upcoming "Open Day" at the Ryan Street centre on 12th September, 2013.

A substantial number of the visitors to the Townsville Senior Citizens' stall showed interest in the proposal for a new Euchre morning on Fridays and others put their names down for vacancies in the Art Group on Monday mornings.

Many thanks to all in the TSC's Seniors' Expo team who helped to make the day such a happy and productive occasion. Below see Neil, Heather, John, Norma and Elethia selling the Townsville Senior Citizens message to visitors at the Expo.  


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

AGM 15 August 2013

It's that time of year again!  The Townsville Senior Citizens were present in good numbers for their Annual General Meeting held at the Ryan Street hall on Thursday, 15th August, 2013. 

The President's Report highlighted the many positive developments at the Centre over the preceding year but also drew attention to the need for all members to make their contributions to the successful ongoing operation of the Association.

The Committee Members elected for the coming year were as follows:

President:  Neil Ace
Vice-President:  Maureen Fewin
Treasurer:  Bev Fry
Secretary:  Cheryl Winchen

Committee members:
Anne Atkinson
Thomas Barrett
Brian Cook
Andy Mahlovzarides
June Mashman
Stuart McLean

Members at the AGM on 15th August, 2013

 Bev. Fry (Treasurer), Maureen Fewin(Vice President),
Neil Ace (President and Chair of the meeting)
 and Cheryl Winchen (Secretary).

Many thanks to the members of the outgoing committee and all others who have worked hard for the Association over the past year.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Townsville Senior Citizens Hall is being re-dressed!

Townsville Senior Citizens have all been impressed by the great new coat of white paint their hall is now sporting.  With the skilled help of painter John De Bortoli, (see his photo below), this transformation has taken place remarkably quickly.  The hall now blends in beautifully with the Community Rehabilitation Centre housed in the next building with its grey trims against the fresh white walls.

A cheerful John De Bortoli at work
Note also that the buildings now have a much improved (and safer) bitumen access for Townsville Senior Citizens members.

Newly surfaced parking area

And that's not all!  The barbeque area bordering the bayside fence line is also being upgraded, opening up the possibility of happy barbeques for Townsville Senior Citizens and others in a lovely revamped area in the not too distant future.  Stand by for a snap of the first of these occasions!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Great morning with Garden Settlement residents

After a highly successful euchre and bowling tournament at the nearby Garden Settlement in late June, a group of Townsville Senior Citizens were more than ready to welcome their friends back for a return bout!  The morning activities on Friday, 26th July included morning tea as well as games of euchre and indoor bowls and there was plenty of chat, fun and friendly competition.

Here are some snaps taken on the day.  Bowlers and card sharps were clearly keen to support their teams.

Townsville Senior Citizens are delighted to establish links with other seniors' organizations and they are looking forward to further visitations to and from the Garden Settlement in the future.  Thanks to Anne and Colleen from the Garden Settlement for helping to make this occasion possible. 

Exciting events for members coming up soon include the following:
  • Townsville Senior Citizens' AGM on Thursday, 15th August, 2013, at Ryan Street.  Beginning at 9 a.m.
  • Seniors' Expo on Wednesday, 21st August, 2013, at the RSL Stadium.
  • Seniors' Luncheon on Friday, 23rd August, 2013 at Reid Park.
  • Seniors' Music Day on Sunday, 25th August, 2013, at Alma Bay, Magnetic Is.  12.30 to 3.30 p.m.  Afternoon tea provided.
  • "Open Day" on Thursday, 12th September, at Ryan Street.  A great opportunity for members to welcome Townsville citizens to the Centre to see some of the activities available.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Christmas in July

The Townsville Senior Citizens of Ryan Street, Belgian Gardens enjoyed a great "Christmas in July" on Friday, 12 July, 2013.  Thanks to the efforts of Vice-President Maureen Fewin and her band of willing helpers, there was a wonderful turn out, as there is at all the Ryan Street functions.  Here are two pictures showing the cheerful diners dressed in their Christmas gear.

There are many quiet workers at Ryan Street and their efforts are greatly appreciated.  Here is one of the association's photographers, Peter Gage, watching President Neil Ace and Treasurer Stuart McLean as they show Peter's beautiful portrait of the President, Secretary and Treasurer to the party goers.  Unfortunately, Secretary Bob was unable to be at the presentation due to illness on the day.

Needless to say, the Ryan Street Seniors are all looking forward to Christmas in December!