Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Great Open Day

Townsville Senior Citizens were thrilled to welcome 150 people to the Open Day at their Ryan Street Centre on Thursday, 12th September, 2013.  The happy occasion was opened by the Mayor, Mrs Jenny Hill, with Councillors Gartrell and Walker also present.

After a delicious morning tea, guests enjoyed viewing the Thursday activities and seeing both “Seniors Creating Change” and the Townsville Senior Citizens line dancers performing their favourite numbers.  Next came a terrific variety show by Patrick and A.J. who provided their audience with a great program of comedy, singing and music.  The Open Day wound up with a tasty sausage sizzle.

Mayor Jenny Hill opens proceedings

Seniors Creating Change who sing "suddenly and unexpectedly"

Line Dancers ready to go!
Patrick regales the audience with one of his funny stories

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the Open Day and to Vice President Maureen Fewin and her merrie band of helpers whose hard work made it all possible.  You turned on a great Open Day for the seniors of Townsville. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Preparations under Way for Open Day!

Townsville Senior Citizens are looking forward to their Open Day to be held at Ryan Street between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Thursday, 12th September, 2013.  This is an opportunity for the Association to welcome the over 50's of Townsville and to extend a warm invitation to those who might like to join their ranks.

With Mayor and Patron Jenny Hill opening the festivities and with Vice-President Maureen Frewin at the helm as the M.C., the day promises to be a special occasion.  There will be lots of the usual interesting activities for members and visitors to enjoy together and there will also be some great entertainment plus a yummy morning tea and a sausage sizzle lunch.