Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vale Beatriz Pla

The passing of Beatriz (Betty) Pla has left a big gap in the Townsville Senior Citizens' family.  We will remember her very fondly and will miss her happy presence at our Thursday meetings.

We extend our sincere condolences to Betty's daughter, Gloria, and son, Jim, as well as to her good friend, Rosa Lejargegui, who was always at her side at Seniors' gatherings at Ryan Street.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Another Great Bus Trip!

Maureen Fewin sure knows how to organize a bus trip!

This adventure took place on 2nd June, 2014, and involved many interesting stops around Townsville along the way.

The first attraction was an outside view of the Pallarenda "House Rules" home that has figured on the TV up until recent times.
Imagine how surprised bus traveller Mary Jones was to realize that this house had in fact once been her home!  It looks as if Mary will have some memories to share with the new tenants Maddi Carter and Lloyd Wright (see photo  right from TDB) who have only just bowed out of the T.V. renovation program.

The next stop was the Jezzine Military Museum located in the beautiful new Jezzine Parklands.  The whole area breathes history and of course lots of memories for those who have lived in Townsville for many years.  Photo below comes from T.C.C.

Then it was on to the Golden Arches for a delicious McDonalds morning tea, coffee and muffins, followed by a trip round the James Cook University where President Neil (who worked there at one stage) was able to give a running commentary about the many buildings that dot the grounds.

Photo from J.C.U.
The next attraction was the beautiful Dan Gleeson Memorial gardens...

Photo of Dan Gleeson Park from Townsville City Council
By now, however, everyone was starting to feel peckish so it was on to the Kirwan Tavern for a great lunch and dessert.

Photo from Kirwan Tavern website
The next stop was Anderson Park (see below) but, as everyone had eaten very well at the Kirwan Tavern, no-one felt inclined to get out and walk.  The lovely views had to be taken from the bus!

Photo of Anderson Park from T.C.C.
It was hardly surprising then that, when all the happy travellers reached the hall again, all were feeling thoroughly satisfied but keen to hurry home and perhaps get a little afternoon sleep!

Many thanks, Maureen, for arranging such a great outing.