Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Another Great Expo Experience!

Candi and visitor chat to Deputy Mayor Vern Veitch at the Expo.

Wednesday, 22nd August in the midst of Seniors Week was a red letter day for Townsville Senior Citizens.  It was the day that they, along with members of many other organizations, publicized and demonstrated their activities for visitors to the Seniors Expo.

Tony has this lady's attention!

Many members volunteered to chat with passers-by about their club while others handed out brochures and still others showed off some of the activities that Townsville Senior Citizens has to offer.

Anne and Dulcie demonstrate Rummikub
Betty (seen here with May) hands out brochures
Here is a photo of one of our artists demonstrating how it's done!

Artist Lee working on her painting

And here's a snap of our euchre players in action.

Many thanks to all those who helped to make the day such a success.  We hope we've intrigued some potential members and we look forward to welcoming them soon at our club at 16 Ryan Street, Belgian Gardens.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A garden is a lovesome thing...

Poet Thomas Edward Brown (1839 - 1897) certainly knew what he was writing about when he penned these famous words. But lovely gardens don't just happen.  It is no accident that the gardens of the Townsville Senior Citizens Centre at Ryan Street are looking especially attractive at the moment.

The recent installation of a purpose-designed irrigation system has undoubtedly made a big difference to the appearance of the grounds but human effort has contributed a great deal as well.

Our gardener, Ray Czech, has worked hard to keep our garden looking trim, and he has been ably assisted by the efforts of a number of industrious volunteer working bees headed up by President Neil Ace.  

Here are a few pictures of some pleasant nooks in our garden...

The results of all the work that has gone into the garden have shown how much can be achieved by a combination of professional and volunteer effort.  Many thanks to Ray, Neil, Dave, Tony, Tom, Andy and Brian who have all worked so hard to make our lovely garden possible.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Christmas in July Celebrations

Christmas in July was celebrated with gusto this year on 11th July, 2014, and the 74 happy guests enjoyed some very tasty Christmas fare - a mixture of delicious meats, cooked vegetables and salad, plus some yummy desserts.

Happy Diners

There was also some great entertainment.  The Palmerston Singers (see picture below) gave a wonderful rendition of some favourite songs.  These were made even more special because everyone was encouraged to join in.

The Palmerston Singers in action

Next, the club's own line dancing troupe showed everyone some enticing dancing moves.  It was fun being treated not only to some fabulous line dancing routines but also to demonstrations of some old time dancing as well!

In the photo above we see three of our members - Candy, Pat and Shelagh - getting ready to lead us in the Gypsy Tap and the Pride of Erin.  Thankyou, girls!